Tiger nut bliss balls
(8-10 servings)
You need:
A food processor
200gr dates
100gr tiger nuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 Lovechock bar "Turmeric Tulsi"
- Place the dates in a food processor and blend until they turn into a smooth mass.
- Then add the ground tiger nuts and cinnamon. If you like it a more spicy, you can be a bit more generous with cinnamon! Also, you could add other spices such as turmeric.
- Now mix all ingredients in the food processor until it turns into a crumbly dough.
- Using a knife, chop the Lovechock bar "Turmeric Tulsi" into small pieces. The chocolate chunks can be placed in the dough. The bar "Turmeric Tulsi" is very aromatic and is slightly perfect for the tasty aromatic tiger nut bliss balls.
- Lastly, roll the dough into little balls.
Tip: Storage the bliss balls in the fridge to save them even longer.